Monday, April 11, 2011

The next step

Something that God had really been laying on my heart recently was that He wanted me to be baptized.  I had not been baptized since being saved in 2007.  Jeremy brought it up sometime last year, and I really didn't feel the need to do it then, but thought I'd pray about it and give it some thought.  I had been starting to think more about it the past few months, then had a dream about a month ago where I was getting baptized.  I thought, "OK, God, I hear you.  I'll get baptized."  Honestly, it wasn't something that I particularly wanted to do - you know, me on display in the front of the church, being completely submerged in a pool of water, getting soaking wet.  I don't like to be the center of attention, and certainly didn't want to be wet while doing it!  But, one must follow the call of God.  If this was the next step He wanted me to take, then I shouldn't question it.

So, I made the decision to get baptized, and did so last night.  I was so nervous!  I was with a group of about 40 others.  The ceremony was at Resurrection Life Church, the church I attend with my husband and kids.  The baptism pool is situated upstairs, behind a wall with a picture-window "peephole" to allow everyone to see you.  We were ushered up the stairs, given baptismal robes, and lined up to take our turn.  Once in the pool, we were asked if we wanted to say anything.  I adamantly did NOT want to say anything.  I was nervous enough, I didn't want to have to talk, too!  But, once again, the Holy Spirit inside me insisted that I say something.  I felt like He was telling me to say I was thankful for my amazing husband, kids, and my family (who were all present for the ceremony - thank you, everyone!).  I thought, "Really?  I am thankful, but they already know that.  Do I have to say it out loud??  To EVERYONE here?"  "Yes, you do," He replied.  "OK.  Fine, Lord.  I'll say it."  So, at the last minute, I pushed my shoulders back, lifted my head up, and proudly told the whole congregation (in a quivering voice, of course), how thankful I was for the family He blessed me with.  Whew!  That wasn't so hard!  Then, they asked me to state out loud who my savior was.  "Jesus Christ," I replied.  And then, in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, I was completely submerged into the pool and resurrected filled with the gift of the Holy Spirit!  Amazing!

After the baptism, we were told to change into our regular clothes, and were ushered into a prayer room where they had their "prayer warriors" ready to pray with us.  All in all, what a wonderful experience.  So glad I had the opportunity, and the change in heart, to get baptized.  God knows what He's talking about, and someday I'll learn not to question Him and JUST DO IT!

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations! I am proud to call you a friend as well as a sister in Christ! May God continue to bless you richly!


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