Sunday, May 15, 2011

A Dedication and Mama Returns!

Tonight, Jeremy and I dedicated our son, Evan, to the Lord at the evening church service.  We did Abby as a baby, too.  Evan blesses us everyday with his smiles and gentle spirit, and we can't wait to raise him to know our Savior, Jesus Christ!  And how awesome it was to feel the Holy Spirit within us as the congregation prayed over us!  May the Lord continue to bless us and guide us as we raise our children according to His word.  After the service, we had everyone over for pizza and cake.  Fun for us and all the kids loved playing with their cousins, aunts, uncles, and grandparents!  Thanks, everyone, for your love, support, and prayers!

 Can't seem to get a good shot of Abby cooperating for the camera :(

 But she loves her cousin, Ruby!

On another note, we witnessed the mama rabbit returning to nurse her baby bunnies (see previous post)!  Yay!  We were even able to catch a quick snap shot.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Finder's Keepers?

Look what Minnie, our miniature dachshund, found the other day while playing outside - a little nest of baby bunnies in a hole in our yard!  Of course, Minnie tried to kill them, so I hope she didn't hurt them too badly! :(  I didn't think we would ever have something like that in our backyard.  We don't exactly have a lot of trees or nature around our neighborhood.   They are so cute and tiny that I just want to keep all of them!  I don't know exactly how many are in there, but I think there are at least 8 of them.  For some reason, I can't help myself from being VERY concerned about these little babies.  I'm sure I should just leave them alone, but I've gone out every day since we've found them to make sure they are still alive.  I guess it's just my motherly instincts - it apparently applies to animals, too!  Today, we think we saw the mama bunny in the distance a few houses down by the neighbor's pine trees.  It's good to know that she's watching out for her babies and makes me not so worried.  I mean, it's not like rabbits haven't mated before, right?!?  I'll admit, sometimes I can be a little ridiculous . . . . but I'm a mom, so I'm allowed :)