Monday, April 18, 2011

Sew cute!

I've been having so much fun lately making children's clothes with my new sewing machine (thanks, Mom, for the great Christmas present!).  I started off by making an apron, a few purses, a new diaper bag, and a couple diaper wipes cases. It is so much fun to pick out the pattern and look through all the fabric choices (I mainly shop at Field's Fabrics) - there are so many different colors and prints to choose from!  I could spend hours there selecting just the perfect mix and match combo of fabrics for my "master piece".  One must be very careful when selecting fabric, though, since it can become a little pricey.  I try to pick at least one fabric for my project from the clearance section to lessen the cost, but I've been able to create a few projects using entirely clearance section fabric - SCORE!  Although it takes forever to cut out all the patterns and fabric, it's so exciting once it starts coming together.  I usually get all giddy toward the end of a project, and start working really fast to finish it.  A couple times this has backfired, where I've accidentally stitched something on the wrong way.  Then, of course, I have to undo everything I just did and redo it - ugh!  Spazzy Perfectionist, just slow down!

So, after a few what I like to call "starter" projects, I thought I'd try my hand (no pun intended) at sewing some children's clothing.  Since I have 7 nieces, I thought it would be fun to make dresses/shirts for them all.  Here are a couple to start:

They turned out super cute, but the sizes are a little off from what the average child size should be, which has been a little tricky.  It ends up making the neck really wide, so the first dress/shirt I did needed some altering to make it fit properly.  I think once I get the kinks worked out, they will be perfect!  And they are, surprisingly, simple to make - bonus!

My next project was a request from my sister-in-law.  She's in love with these ruffle pants, so I made her daughter a pair of pants that match her dress/shirt (from the first picture).  I just finished them last night, and was so excited about how they turned out!  Adorable!

Once I get a little more practice, I think I might be able to sell some projects online!  Hopefully, people will want to buy them?  (hint, hint :] )

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