Sunday, November 6, 2011

Chalkboard Window

There are so many creative crafting ideas out there in blog-land!  I've been finding lots of inspiration.  I recently found a very neat idea at Saving 4 Six for a DIY chalkboard from a "shabby" window.  It looks super easy and creative, so I thought I'd give it a whirl.  I picked up this window for $15 at a local barn sale.  I love it!

Instead of using spray paint chalkboard paint, I decided to try the brush-on paint.  Not sure how it will turn out compared to the spray paint, but I'm going to give it a shot.  My mom helped me with the project and with watching the kids.  (Thanks, Mom!)  At first, I tried to skip the part where you tape off the frame . . . I thought I would be REALLY careful.  Yep, this didn't work.  I only had a big, fat, foam brush to brush the paint on, and it just wasn't working very well.  My mom helped clean up the frame and then taped off the rest of the window so it would be easier to paint.  MUCH better!

One coat applied

The directions on the paint jar said to apply two coats, waiting one hour in between coats.  After the first coat, I was a little nervous because I tried to blend the brush strokes as best I could, but could still see them.  :(  I guess this is why spray paint might have been better?

I'm going to let it dry for the recommended 24 hours and see how it looks . . . . I'll keep you posted!  Keep your fingers crossed!

1 comment:

  1. So creative and cute! I made both of the recipes from your previous post and they were great!


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